Final Project

Final Project Guidelines


Final Project is a student scientific paper with original research and design activities and guided by relevant supervisors. By doing the Final Project, students are expected to be able to analyze, identify, summarize and apply all their learning experiences to solve problems in the field of informatics in a systematic, logical, creative, critical, original and weighted manner based on the latest data / information that is accurate and supported by appropriate analysis. The scope of the final project in the Department of Informatics is the ability to conceptualise, design, implement, operate, and evaluate with the theme in accordance with the existing curriculum in the Department of Informatics.


1. Submission of Proposal
2. Proposal Seminar
3. Taking Final Project Decree
4. Guidance
5. Seminar on Results
6. Final Project Exam
7. Yudisium


1. Submission of Proposal

  1. Proposal 3 copies
  2. Final Project Title Recommendation Form (Download Here)
  3. Final Project Proposal Seminar Full Sheet (Download Disini), kehadiran minimal 10x TTD / Stempel Jurusan
  4. Bukti upload proposal dari website SIMTEKNIK
  5. All files in 1 yellow plastic folder


2. Proposal Seminar

  1. Implementation 1x in 1 month
  2. Minutes of Proposal Seminar (Download Here) must be collected after the seminar proposal, a maximum of 1 week (for those who confirm or do not confirm) for the issuance of Final Project Decree 
  3. The proposal eligibility assessment form (Download Here), must be taken and submitted to the examiner of the proposal (1 sheet)


3. Taking Final Project Decree

  1. Paying Final Project Rp. 425,000 at BNI bank or Jatim Bank branch of UMM
  2. Present Minutes of Proposal Seminar and Receipt of Final Project Payment


4. Guidance

  1. Students bring Assistance Sheet (Download Here), Final Project Decree, Minutes of Sempro and revisions (if any) at the first time of guidance
  2. Guidance for at least 2 months, a maximum of 1 year, if it has passed the time limit of 1 year, students are required to extend the Final Project Decree on condition that they make a payment of Rp. 212,500, - to banks and receipts legalized finances and bring the old Final Project Decree


5. Seminar on Results

(Complete Form Checklist)

  1. Following the predetermined Registration Schedule.
  2. Submit papers 10 copies
  3. Submit TA report 2 copies that have been signed by supervisor 1 and 2
  4. Submit Photocopy of Receipt: Final Project, KKN, HER REG which has been legalized by the Finance Bureau
  5. Submit Transcript (no D value and have taken at least 144 credits)
  6. Submit a photocopy of PKN and KKN certificate/li>
  7. Submit Assistance Sheet (minimum 10x guidance)
  8. Fill out the seminar form results in the Department
  9. Submit 2 sheets of biodata form to print a graduate certification (Download Here) each of which has been affixed 2 4x6 size photographs and 2 3x4 size photographs, and submit a certified copy of a high school diploma (2 sheets).
  10. Submit Proof of Receipt from BAA
  11. Submitting Evidence to upload Final Project papers Repositor's Journal according to the Template. Uploaded evidence in the form of a Journal Receipt sheet which was printed by a student and verified (by: Pak Denar Regata Akbi, M. Kom, Mrs. Diah Risqiwati, MT, or Mrs. Evi Dwi Wahyuni, M. Kom). Instructions for uploading papers to the Repositor's Journal can be downloaded here. (Instructions for Uploading Papers)
  12. Submit the plagiarism check form filled out by the supervisor. The plagiarism check form can be downloaded here (Plagiarism Check Form)
  13. Submit the assessment form from the supervisor 1 and supervisor 2 in a sealed envelope signed by each supervisor (envelopes and assessment sheets brought by students themselves). The assessment form can be downloaded here (Final Project Supervisor Assessment Form) 
  14. All files are included in 1 WHITE plastic folder
  15. Implementation Schedule Seminar results will be announced through the Final Project group


6. Ujian TA

(Minutes Form of Final Project Examination)

(Assessment Form of Final Project Examiners)

  1. Must follow the TA Execution Schedule according to the specified date, time and space.
  2. After the implementation of the Exams, participants must photocopy the Minutes of Final Project Examination and be immediately returned to the department.
  3. Revision a maximum of 2 weeks after the Final Project Exam
  4. Final Project Report Book (Signature must be complete and stamped Department) collected in the Reading Room of the Faculty of Engineering as much as 1 copy.
  5. Receipts from the Engineering Faculty Reading Room are collected at the Department.
  6. Collecting a CD (Cover CD / Download) with the details of Soft Copy File as follows:
    • Reports (in MS Word and PDF format)
      • Introduction contains (Cover, (Scan results from: Ratification Sheet, Approval Sheet, Statement Sheet), preface, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, bibliography)
      • Abstraction
      • Chapter 1
      • Chapter 2
      • Chapter 3
      • Chapter 4
      • Chapter 5
    • A3 size poster (.jpg)
    • Journal (in MS Word and PDF format)
    • Program, Source Code, Video Configuration (complete if available)


7. Yudisium

  1. Yudisium and Graduation Payment in accordance with applicable regulations (yudisium and Graduation payment receipts must be separated), the original receipt is photocopied as much as 1 sheet and legalized at the Finance Bureau (The original yudisium payment receipt is discussed in the majors).
  2. The implementation of the Faculty-level Judiciary awaits Announcement from the Faculty.
  3. Graduation Ceremony follows the University's Decision Schedule.
  4. sheet of Free dependents taken at yudisium

For students who have already conducted an exam, the Final Project CD collection to the department follows the format in the attached file, and to facilitate the archive please put the CD into a DVD Case with a cover format to adjust the graduation period at the following address

Tugas Akhir (TA)